HOYER employee in the office, holding a tablet

Prize-winning Sustainability

HOYER Group awarded Bronze medal in EcoVadis rating

HOYER container on a crane at the harbour

Hamburg, 29 October 2021 –  The international rating platform EcoVadis has awarded a Bronze medal to HOYER for its sustainability activities. This is reward for the international logistics company’s strategic efforts to proactively take responsibility for the long-term environmental, economic and ethical aspects of its corporate activities.

Some individual business divisions were rated in the past. In 2021, the HOYER Group underwent the rating process for the first time as a whole company. The Bronze medal is proof of the HOYER Group’s strong position in the sector. In comparison, more than 40 per cent of the logistics companies that took part received no award at all. “We are proud of the positive result,” states Eric Schlichter, Manager of the Group Sustainability Forum at HOYER, “and are using the analysis by the independent EcoVadis experts to become even better.” The HOYER Group’s sustainability team is using the results of the rating to continually identify further optimisation potential and initiate additional activities.

Social responsibility, protection of the environment and sustainable business management are central to the corporate actions of the HOYER Group. Sustainability considerations therefore play a leading role in all areas of the business and links in the supply chain. In 2012, the company defined a binding sustainability policy, and since 2015 it has published a Sustainability Report. A dedicated division within the Group, SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environment, Quality), focuses exclusively on improving processes, safety and quality standards in harmony with people and the environment.

EcoVadis is one of the biggest providers of sustainability ratings in the world and assesses companies based on international sustainability standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000. The EcoVadis rating provides customers and other stakeholders of the HOYER Group with a reliable benchmark to assess the company’s corporate social responsibility efforts. They can see the results in an overview of the ratings on the EcoVadis platform and obtain more detailed information from HOYER upon request.

An overview with current certificates and attestations can be found here.

Photographic material can be found here.

HOYER, a traditional independent family business, has been one of the world’s leading bulk logistics providers since 1946. As a specialist, it has extensive know-how in the provision of complex services, and has special customer proximity. It develops and implements comprehensive solutions in European and worldwide bulk logistics, particularly in the chemical, food, gas and mineral oil industries. For this, about 6,100 employees in more than 115 countries support clients with well-thought-out logistics solutions to make them even more successful in their respective markets. HOYER owns around 2,200 trucks, 2,400 road tankers, 50,100 IBCs, 40,800 tank containers and numerous logistics installations with depots, cleaning plants and workshops.

HOYER GmbH Internationale Fachspedition
Andrea Schwabe
Wendenstraße 414–424
20537 Hamburg | Germany
Phone +49 40 21044 359
Fax +49 40 21044 455