HOYER truck in the desert next to a road sign
HOYER truck in the desert next to a road sign

Conscious of responsibility


As an international logistics services provider for the chemicals, gas, mineral oil and food industries, we operate in a demanding, highly sensitive sector. Safety always has top priority, and is a central value of the HOYER Group. We feel obliged to provide our customers with excellent, safe, secure services in all areas of logistics just as much as to protect people and the environment. This obligation is expressed in various safety strategies and measures.

As a responsible, conscientious business partner and employer, we continuously invest in training, infrastructure, equipment and systems that contribute to increasing safety. It’s a part of our self-image and social responsibility, which we take very seriously. For good reasons, we enshrined this as one of the three pillars in our sustainability policy.

Four HOYER employees in safety clothes squatting in front of a HOYER truck connection and looking at a tablet
Four HOYER employees in safety clothes squatting in front of a HOYER truck connection and looking at a tablet


Safety begins with our employees, who work worldwide. We use analyses to cover potentials for improvement in all the logistics chain’s areas of operation, from loading tanks to transport and unloading. That is how we optimise work processes and create an even safer and danger-free working environment for our personnel. Regular training courses and further education sharpen the awareness of hazard avoidance, and educate in the faultless handling of equipment and products. We thoroughly investigate accident reports. They supply us with valuable information about hazard prevention, workplace improvement and accident reduction. We can derive early remedial and improvement measures from them, thus enhancing our services. We also look upon our business partners and their businesses as a component of our safety strategy. All these actions are the basis for our professional, qualified activities, through which we can minimise accidents, injuries and environmental impacts.

more about Sustainable Management

Gas valve Nitrogen tank container HOYER Group
Gas valve Nitrogen tank container HOYER Group


HOYER regularly invests in innovative equipment. This includes both equipping vehicles with novel technologies and adapting road tankers and tank containers with the most innovative technical features. When handling dangerous goods and highly sensitive products, we ensure safety and quality from loading to unloading, and we use modern safety and quality standards to reduce environmental pollution. The continuous optimisation of processes, equipment and technologies is an important element in our day-to-day activities. We safeguard safety when handing a product and its qualitatively faultless, stable condition during the entire logistics process by, among other things, sensors on and in the tank.

more about Smart Logistics



The secure handling of important information, IT infrastructures and business processes is an integrated part of our corporate philosophy. Information security is a particularly high priority for us.

You can find more information about our information security standards here:


Handling dangerous liquid goods is the supreme discipline in logistics. There is a high risk of harming individuals and the environment in the event of human or technical failure. In accordance with our understanding of our selves as providers of safe logistics solutions, we consider the statutory and legal requirements and standards for the safe handling of dangerous goods and substances to be only a minimum demand. Regarding safety, we establish standards that to some extent exceed what is legally required. This exemplary role model function is important to us, and also makes us proud.

For this purpose, a separate, independent specialist department concerns itself with occupational and health protection, with strategies to ensure the least possible environmental impact, and with new ideas to constantly improve quality and safety standards in the logistics sector. Sustainable Management is responsible, worldwide, for continuously optimising processes and equipment, and guarantees that employee training courses are carried out and developed further. In our company, performance standards and a culture of safety go hand in hand.

more about Sustainable Management



Dr. Torben Reher


+49 40 21044247