Foundation Board of the Friedel und Walter Hoyer-Stiftung
Foundation Board of the Friedel und Walter Hoyer-Stiftung

Social responsibility


On the occasion of the firm’s 50th anniversary in 1996, the company’s founder Walter Hoyer and his wife Friedel Hoyer established the Foundation to promote art and culture, as well as charitable and social organisations involved in youth welfare and senior care services. By creating the Foundation, the business couple realised their great wish to give back to the community a part of their entrepreneurial success. According to its charter, the foundation’s goal is realised in particular through financial donations to the social services of the churches, hospitals and children’s homes, and to colleges of music, the Hamburg State Opera and other cultural establishments.

Since the Foundation’s creation, continuous financial support has been given to a series of institutions that make a valuable contribution to the community in accordance with the Foundation’s charter. The Foundation’s budget amounts to EUR 1.2 million. The Executive Board comprises Annette Hoyer-Glasmacher, Martina Hoyer-HertelElisabeth Wetzer, née Hoyer, Harriet Jessulat, née Hoyer, and Gerd Peters. The members are mostly descendants of the late Founder, Walter Hoyer. They regard it as his legacy to continue and continuously expand the Foundation as he would have wished.

Donation account
Donner & Reuschel Bank, Hamburg
Account owner: Friedel und Walter Hoyer Stiftung
IBAN: DE87 2003 0300 0008 8450 00

Friedel and Walter Hoyer Stiftung
Secretariat: Angela Rohlf-Kipperer
Wendenstrasse 420
20537 Hamburg, Germany



Angela Rohlf-Kipperer

Angela Rohlf-Kipperer

Friedel und Walter Hoyer Stiftung

+49 40 21044 213